The Digital Inquiry Group (formerly Stanford History Education Group) is providing free professional development on new Reading Like a Historian lessons to a limited number of high school U.S. history teachers. Selected teachers will attend four 2-hour synchronous online professional development sessions this summer, complete an asynchronous online course, and participate in online coaching sessions as they implement new materials this fall. The deadline to apply for this opportunity is May 8 at 11:59pm PT.
Click here to learn more and apply.
The Project
DIG has launched a project supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education for high school U.S. history teachers. Participating teachers will receive professional development focused on the use of new Reading Like a Historian lessons that include digital literacy instruction.
The Commitment
Selected teachers must attend all four professional development sessions, complete an asynchronous course, participate in coaching sessions, and implement 4-8 lessons on U.S. history topics in the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year.
Criteria and Selection
All high school teachers in U.S. states and territories who will teach U.S. history in the 2024-2025 school year are eligible and encouraged to apply. Cohorts will be selected with geographic spread in mind and with preference given to teachers at schools eligible for Title I funding.