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"These are by far the most comprehensive critical thinking resources that I've found."
Michelle Naylor Image
“The great thing about the Civic Online Reasoning curriculum is that it's so relevant.”
Valerie Ziegler Image
“After I taught with the DIG materials, when I started to teach other topics in the classroom, my students didn't take the information at face value. They wanted to do additional research."
Dorlande Charles Image
“What I really love about the lessons is the inquiry aspect of it, the discussion, the opportunity for everyone to participate.”
Elsa Mora Image
“The curriculum offers a way for you to self assess right where you're at with regards to understanding media and how it works.”
Mark Gomez image
"The students were really empowered by learning . . . that they could make determinations about whether or not information is reliable."
Linsey Rose Image

Cathy Butler

I am a retired social studies teacher (grades 5 and 6). This site is amazing. If I saw this site 14 years ago, I would be still teaching. Thank you for all the hard work and for allowing teachers to share your wonderful site. This is exactly what education needs in the U.S. right now.

Cathy Butler
Wellfleet, MA

Dana Mejías image

Your work, specifically, Reading Like a Historian, has made a profound impact in my approach to designing lessons and, of course, to my thinking about history. The document-based lessons and other online curriculum are especially helpful in designing units. I am extremely inspired by your work. Thank you!

Dana Mejías
San Diego, CA

Bobbi Young photo

I'm thrilled that I found this site! I have wanted to try this methodology in my classroom, but I was overwhelmed about where to start. Your lessons have been a wonderful way to introduce me to this teaching format while providing me the tools to actually practice the pedagogy in my classroom.

Bobbi Young
Colorado Springs, CO

Sandy Smaltz image

I came across your site while researching to update and improve my U.S. History classes. I was amazed at the quality of the lessons present here and will use them frequently in my classes.

Sandy Smaltz
Big Rapids, MI

Quinn Longhurst image

Thank you for this valuable resource. It has revolutionized the way I teach and the way students learn. I have been trying to find primary sources that align to Utah's state standards for years. I really appreciate the modified versions and the lessons that accompany them.

Quinn Longhurst
Taylorsville, UT

Heather Ihde image

I just wanted you to know how much I love and appreciate all of the Reading Like a Historian lesson plans. I use them in my classroom as much as possible. The resources have really helped to enhance my teaching, but more importantly, they enhance the students' knowledge and understanding of historical topics.

Heather Ihde
Nashville, TN

Paul C. Beavers image

I use these documents and lesson plans all the time! This is an amazing resource, and I share it with everyone I know that teaches either in the Humanities or Literacy!

Paul C. Beavers
Nashville, TN

Kevin Hodges image

Let me just say that I love this program. It has a variety of useful information that helps students to think more critically about history. With this program, the students are very engaged and appear to have a better understanding of events.

Kevin Hodges
Pereira, Colombia

Tammi Holman image

Congratulations! I have begun to integrate your curriculum into my U.S. History and U.S. 20th Century classes and I am in love! The documents and materials provide my students with a wonderful tool to learn more about a particular subject as well as challenge their own minds and learn to come up with an opinion based on their own inquiry and not the opinion of someone else.

Tammi Holman
Dothan, AL

Loi Laing image

I can't recall how or when I stumbled upon Reading Like a Historian, but it was a blessing. With a high percentage of ELL and struggling readers, I appreciate the modified documents. My students are learning to think like historians and now question everything. With each lesson, I am also learning too. Thank you for all the hard work.

Loi Laing
Miami, FL

Mark Helman image

A huge thank you! Your incredible work and stimulating lesson plans have greatly empowered and enriched the students of my classroom. Each time something new is published, I find myself even more surprised and impressed. Keep it up!

Mark Helman
Taichung, Taiwan

Ermelinda Sosa image

I have really enjoyed the lessons from your group. Thank you very much. I love the primary documents and the secondary ones, too. I could not have taught this class without your help.

Ermelinda Sosa
Dallas, TX

Matthew McDonald image

I love using your lessons in my classroom! I teach both 6th and 7th-grade U.S. history in Virginia and most of the primary source lessons are perfect for my students. It is so refreshing to be able to teach interesting historical topics using primary sources that actually engage the students.

Matthew McDonald
Woodbridge, VA

Nicole Ritter photo

I am using these lessons and loving them. I have always been a firm believer in the use of primary sources, and I thank you for putting these together and not charging for their reproduction. Using primary sources can be so time-consuming. This knocks out the prep time.

Nicole Ritter
Fort Mill, SC