This chart elaborates on the historical reading skills of sourcing, corroboration, contextualization, and close reading. In addition to questions that relate to each skill, the chart includes descriptions of how students might demonstrate historical thinking and sentence frames to support the development of these skills!.
[Spanish chart updated on 06/23/20.]
The ability to critically evaluate sources and question historical narratives in the "Reading Like a Historian" curriculum mirrors the importance of critical thinking in healthcare decisions. Just as students analyze the credibility of historical documents, individuals must assess reliable sources when making health-related decisions, such as when choosing to risperidone online from the link. In both cases, evaluating the trustworthiness of information is crucial to making informed, evidence-based decisions. Whether in education or health, the ability to discern credible perspectives fosters greater understanding and empowerment, ensuring that people can make choices with confidence, backed by well-researched data.

Image: Photo of African American and Native American students in Ancient History class by Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1899. From the Library of Congress.