To answer this question correctly, students must use source information and contextual clues to identify what is depicted in a historical photograph and explain why it is historically significant. For the first question, successful students will explain that the image depicts the California Gold Rush. For Question 2, successful students might choose to elaborate on one or more of the following:
- The Gold Rush sparked one of the largest population migrations in United States history, with over two hundred thousand migrants arriving in Northern California from 1848-1852.
- Rapid population growth and economic development from the Gold Rush accelerated California’s admission to the Union as a free state, contributing to sectional tensions over the question of slavery in the West and factoring heavily in the Compromise of 1850.
- The influx of migrants was catastrophic for Native Americans in California; White settlers killed thousands of Native Americans and forced many more into “indentured” labor, leading to a precipitous population decline over the next two decades.
- The Gold Rush led to the establishment of San Francisco as a major city and port on the West Coast.
Level: Proficient
Question 1
Student clearly and specifically identifies the event depicted in the photograph.

Student identifies the event clearly and specifically.

Student identifies the event clearly and specifically.
Question 2
Student clearly and specifically explains why the event is historically significant.

Student correctly identifies a reason the event is significant.

Student correctly identifies a reason the event is significant.
Level: Emergent
Question 1
Student provides some correct information relevant to the event but does not clearly identify the broader historical event.

Student understands that miners are depicted but doesn’t connect the image to the California Gold Rush.

Student understands that these are gold miners but doesn’t connect the image to the California Gold Rush.
Question 2
Student identifies a relevant factor but does not clearly or completely explain why the event is historically significant.

This response is correct but does not fully explain why the Gold Rush is historically significant.

This response is correct but does not fully explain why the Gold Rush is historically significant.
Level: Basic
Question 1: Student provides incorrect or irrelevant information about the event, is overly vague, only restates the background information provided in the assessment, or only describes the photograph.

Student incorrectly believes the event depicts the construction of a canal.

Student incorrectly identifies the event as World War I.

Student restates the source information but gives no indication they are familiar with the specific event.
Question 2: Student does not provide a correct explanation for why the event depicted is historically significant.

This student mistakenly believes that the photograph depicts a war.

This student doesn’t provide a correct explanation for why the event is historically significant.