To answer this question correctly, students must select facts 1 and 3 and explain how each might lead them to question the reliability of Costa's account. Fact 1 reveals a large gap between the date of the interview and the events described, which calls into question the accuracy of her account. Fact 3 shows that Costa was intimately involved in the events described, which may have influenced how she described them.
Level: Proficient
Student selects a correct fact and explains how it casts doubt on the reliability of the document.

This student identifies the large gap in time between the events described and the interview.
The student also explains why this gap in time might affect the reliability of Costa's account.

This student succinctly explains that Costa's personal involvement with the union may influence the content of the interview.
Level: Emergent
Student selects a correct fact but does not provide an adequate or complete explanation of how it would lead them to question the reliability of the document.

This is a promising start, but the student has not explained how this would affect the reliability of the account.

Although Costa's memory might have been compromised by the intervening years, the interview provides no evidence that she has gone "almost crazy." This student has the right general idea, but the explanation is off target.
Level: Basic
Student does not select a correct fact or selects a correct fact but does not provide a relevant explanation.

Although conditions were likely different at the various factories, this student has not explained how this affects the reliability of Costa's account.

This student selects an incorrect fact and provides an irrelevant response.

Besides the grammatical error, this is clearly an incomplete response.